Events and course enrichment funds are available for a range of requests, including field trip expenses, bringing in visiting speakers, providing film screenings, and other miscellaneous costs.
Apply for course development grants to develop courses for the Annual Theme, Humanities Labs, or the Environmental Humanities Initiative.
Application details and deadline: Calls for course development grants go out to faculty in December, generally with a submission deadline in late February.
Each year, two fellowships are awarded in environmental inquiry and two fellowships in digital scholarship. Fellows are expected to develop a new or significantly reworked course connected to environmental inquiry or digital scholarship, to work in an advisory capacity with the CAH environmental humanities or digital scholarship committees during the academic year, and to offer a public program or event connected to their scholarship
and/or course.
Application details and deadline: Calls for fellowships go out to faculty in December, generally with a submission deadline in late February.
Development Grant The Center offers limited funding to support humanities-based conferences at Colby, as well as some logistical support. Interested faculty should email Director Dean Allbritton at [email protected].
Co-managed by the Center and the Humanities Division, the Margaret T. McFadden Fund for Humanistic Inquiry provides support for both individual projects as well as the Public Humanistic Inquiry Labs (PHILs). A PHIL is a three-year faculty incubator for research; the current lab on medicine and race runs from 2021-2024. McFadden Grants provide additional funds for the completion of individual research projects and are made available each semester.
The fund is the result of a generous $1-million gift from Trustee Anne Clarke Wolff ’87 and Benjamin “Ted” E. Wolff III ’86.
The Center for the Arts and Humanities and the Humanities Division maintain a close relationship of mutual support and collaboration, with a joint emphasis in the power of the humanities to shape the world around us and answer life’s big questions.
Faculty can find additional opportunities and research support through the Humanities Division in the form of an annual book fund and research grants. These funds are distributed yearly, with deadlines for the book fund early in the fall and for research grants, early in the spring semester.
4165 Mayflower Hill
Waterville, Maine 04901
P: 207-859-4165
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