Past Events

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September 4, 2024

Environmental Humanities Film Screening

Grizzly Man (2005)

7:00 p.m., The Film Screening Room, Gordon Center for Creative and Performing Arts

Pieced together from Timothy Treadwell’s actual video footage, Werner Herzog’s remarkable documentary examines the calling that drove Treadwell to live among a tribe of wild grizzly bears on an Alaskan reserve. A devoted conservationist with a passion for adventure, Timothy believed he had bridged the gap between human and beast. When one of the bears he loved and protected tragically turns on him, the footage he shot serves as a window into our understanding of nature and its grim realities.

Sponsored by the Center for the Arts and Humanities. 


September 4, 2024

Facebook Fried Your Parents’ Brains. Are you next? How to Navigate Social Media and the ’24 Election 

Dexter Thomas, Journalist & Documentary Filmmaker

6:00 p.m., Page Commons

You – yes, you reading this right now. Statistics say you get more of your news from TikTok than any other demographic. Is this a good thing, or are we totally cooked? Dexter Thomas, a journalist who has reported on drugs, videogames, and cops, talks us through how we can stop doomscrolling, stop being scared to argue with friends, and finally figure out what’s actually happening around us.

Dexter did his PhD on Japanese hip-hop at Cornell University. He has produced documentaries on drugs, extremism, prisons, and videogames for HBO and VICE, made a podcast series for Princeton, and has written for WIRED and The Guardian. His work has earned him three Emmy Awards and a Pulitzer Prize (with the Los Angeles Times). He also once ate donuts in a parking lot with JD Vance.

Q&A session will be moderated by Alison Beyea, Executive Director of the Goldfarb Center, and Koto Yamada, Class of ’25.

Please note: This event is primarily student-focused. Only students will be allowed to ask questions during the Q&A session.